Art of Feminine Presence Circles in Calgary – update

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Beautiful Ones,

Interesting times, no? They are certainly changing fast!!!

I have been reflecting through the weekend as things continue to change in our city and around the world. My highest priorities are really about our whole health – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual – for ourselves and our families. I treasure our gatherings. This community (and each one of you individually) means so very much to coaching Calgary using AFP art of feminine presence heart centered practices

Another high priority in my life is being able to spend time with my parents in their last days/weeks/months. They are very fragile and while they are dying, I want their passing to be graceful and unaffected by a health crisis I bring to them inadvertently. In addition, some of you are returning from travel, dealing with kids at home, and health challenges of your own.

With that in mind, I know we can gather extremely effectively via Zoom, including our meditation.

The timing will be the same 930 to noon on Wednesday morning this week (and we will be off for the next two Wednesdays following as planned) and Thursday evenings from 7 to 930 pm. I will send out Zoom links to you all for those times. Feel free to participate in both Wednesday and Thursday evenings – the more we can see each other’s faces, the better.

I know our connection goes far beyond the physical- our collective basket is deeply woven and intertwined. We can support each other by coming to circle online, staying connected to each other and checking in on each other.

As for personal sessions I will continue to do them – via Zoom or in person on a case by case basis – Angus is home and Jim may be as well. I am cleaning and practicing my own hygiene would expect you are responsible in your interactions and hygiene before you come.

We will all do the best we can. We will stay flexible, and heart open. We will be practical and positive. We will be loving, connected and whole individually and collectively.

Just know I am making decisions in the highest interest of all.

I am here. Call, text, email as you wish. If I don’t pick up, I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Much love,

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